No matter where you go today it seems that everyone has a tablet or smart phone and are accessing the Internet on the go more than ever before. From smart phones to tablets more and more people are using these devices to search and shop online from any and every location. It is important that you optimize your web site so mobile phone and tablet users are able to purchase your products or services.Here are some suggestions to optimize your web site for mobile devices:
It is important to create simple layouts that flow so that your products or services information is clearly available to consumers.
Aim for functionality over appearance. Allowing consumers to easily navigate to the end purchase goal is a huge benefit for both the business owner and consumer.
Make all of the content you are displaying available to all of your users. Be sure that you review the guidelines that both Apple and Android platforms have for mobile content to ensure each user receives the same experience.
If you showcase images, use a compression tool to increase your load times. Some image compression software that will reduce the size of your .jpeg and .png files while still keeping the quality intact include EWWW Image Optimizer,, optiPNG, and jpegtran.