Importance of WordPress Security

WordPress is the most popular content management system in the world and with that popularity, it also makes it a popular choice for hackers. On average, 30,000 new websites are hacked each day. WordPress sites can be an easy target for attacks because of plugin vulnerabilities, weak passwords, and obsolete software. WordPress offers regular updates to patch any new and existing security holes however patches are only issued once a security vulnerability is known.

To protect your WordPress website against any security risk, known and unknown, it is always a good idea to use a WordPress security plugin.

Popular WordPress Security Plugins

  • All In One WP Security & Firewall
  • iThemes Security
  • WordFence Security
  • Sucuri Security
  • SecuPress WordPress Security

All of the above plugins are either Free or offer a Free version and a paid version with more features. We always recommend that you do your research before installing any additional software to ensure that it meets your specific requirements. Not all security plugins are the same, so be sure to look for reviews that feature likes and dislikes about each.

Most WordPress Security plugins will include the following additional features that WordPress doesn’t have right out of the box:

  • Site, file, and malware scanning
  • Protection from brute force attacks
  • Regular security scans, monitoring, notifications
  • Site firewalls
  • Overall security hardening

Some of the plugins take security more in-depth with there paid version and some of the free versions are a great addition to working towards protecting your site. You may also be able to combine a couple of the free security plugins to get a broader range of protection. Whatever you decide, its very important you secure your blog, so it’s important that you take action.

Confused or overwhelmed by the number of choices? Leave it to OLM’s WordPress experts to make the choices for you and secure your WordPress site at a low cost. Check out all of our different WordPress services at the following link: